Nembrotha cristata      Bergh, 1877

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This species has been observed on Mauritius Island

Order : Nudibranchia
Suborder : Euctenidiacea
Superfamily : Polyceroidea
Family : Polyceridae
Distribution : Indo-West Pacific
Maximal size : 120 mm
Abundance : Seldom if ever on the fore reef zone

Species characteristics :

Body surface covered with roundish, elongate and irregularly-shaped, hardly-elevated tubercles. On the front edge, the tubercles extend around the head suggesting a wide mantle margin.

Recognizable by its black body color with green pigment on the large, rounded tubercles, gill and base of the rhinophoral sheath

The edged of the foot is green and smooth

The rhinophores are black with sometimes a green tip.

Showing species characteristics...

Photo Vanessa Béchard
Mauritius, 7 September 2013, size : 60 mm

See more about : Sightening and mating periods

Remarks :

Identification confirmed by Nathalie Yonow
    Synonymous : (according Worms)
               - No other name

Bibliographic data :

The body is firm and limaciform with a linear and pointed posterior end of the foot. The head is rounded. The mantle is reduced and indistinct
    There is a pair of perfoliate rhinophores that are completely retractile into their rhinophoral sheaths, with 25 lamellae.
    There are five non-retractile, strongly developed multipinnate gill branches. The two posterior gill branches of each side share a common base. The anus is situated between the gill branches on elevated papillae just behind the kidney opening.
    The outer branchial surface, the inner rachis of each gill branch (except the base), the pinnae, the rhinophoral sheaths, the edge of the oral tentacles and themarge of the foot are also green.
    It feeds on a green compound ascidian which Willan & Coleman (1984) identify as Eudistoma olivaceum.
    N. cristata looks like N. kubaryana but there are some differences :
          - N. cristata differs mainly from N. kubaryana by the absence of any red or orange colouration
          - N. cristata seemed to prefer compound ascidian colonies which Willan & Coleman (1984) identify as Eudistoma olivaceum and N. kubaryana seemed to prefer a blue solitary ascidian such as Sigillina signifera.

References :

Bill Rudman Seaslug site : Sea Slug Forum : Nembrotha cristata
    Nudipixel Nembrotha cristata

Publications :

Bergh, L.S.R. (1877). Malacologische Untersuchengen. In C.G. Semper, Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen, Wissenscaftliche Resultate, 11 : 429-494, pls 54-57
    Pola, M., Cervera, J.L. and Gosliner, T.M. (2008). Revision of the Indo-Pacific genus Nembrotha (Nudibranchia: Dorididae: Polyceridae), with description of two new species. Scientia Marina 72(1): 145-183

Other photos of Nembrotha cristata :

Photo Vanessa Béchard

Mauritius, 7 September 2013, size : 60 mm


Body surface covered with roundish, elongate and irregularly-shaped, hardly-elevated tubercles. On the front edge, the tubercles extend around the head (a) suggesting a wide mantle margin.

The green rhinophoral sheath (b).

There is a pair of perfoliate rhinophores (c) that are completely retractile into their rhinophoral sheaths, with 25 lamellae.

 More photos from Indian Ocean

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