Dermatobranchus cf fortunatus  (Bergh, 1888)

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This species has been observed on Madagascar Island

Order : Nudibranchia
Suborder : Dexiarchia
Superfamily : Arminoidea
Family : Arminidae
Distribution : Madagascar
Maximal size :
Abundance :

Species characteristics :

The general body colour is creamish with a serie of black to chocolate blotches arranged in about eight pairs on the lateral area of the mantle.

The base of the bulbous rhinophores creamish, the rhinophore is dark green with white dots. The tips of the rhinophores are white


dermatobranchus cf fortunatus
Showing species characteristics...

Photo Alain-Benoît Rassat
Madagascar, 23 December 2015

See more about : Sightening and mating periods

Remarks :

This species looks like Dermatobranchus fortunatus but according Terry Gosliner and Hsini Lin it seems to be a different species...
    Similarity with D. fortunatus
              - The creamish general body colour with a serie of black to chocolate blotches arranged in about eight pairs on the lateral area of the mantle
       But they are many differences :
              - Absence of orange coloration near the black to chocolate patches on the notum
              - The coloration of the rhinophore is different
              - Absence of the single median orange and black chocolate patch on the anterior end of the oral veil

Specimens description :

The rhinophores are short and stout with a series of sharp vertical ridges below an elevated central spike
    This species have a long and slender body. The mantle which is slightly wider than the foot is very elongate and its margin are not wavy

References :

Publications :

Other photos of Dermatobranchus cf fortunatus :

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