Prosthiostomid sp 1

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This species has been observed on Reunion and Mayotte Islands

Order : Polycladida
Suborder : Cotylea
Superfamily : Euryleptoidea
Family : Prosthiostomidae
Distribution : Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea and Reunion
Maximal size : 30 mm
Abundance :

Species characteristics :

Body elongate, tapering posteriorly, with crenulated margin, translucent white with a distinct yellow-orange marginal band

Presence posteriorly of a pale dark grey median blotche

Pharynx long, white, tubular

prosthiostomid sp1
Showing species characteristics...

Photo Christophe Cadet
Reunion, La Saline lagoon, less 1 m, 30 December 2009, size : 25 mm

Remarks :

Newman (2003), considered this species as an undescribed species (Prosthiostomid sp 1)

Bibliographic data :

Colour may vary with food in gut
   They have eyes in two cerebral clusters or fan-like clusters over the head region
   No head tentacles or marginal pseudotentacles.

References :

Publications :

Newman, L.J. & Cannon, L.R.G. (2003). Marine Flatworms: the world of Polyclads. CSIRO Publishing : Melbourne 112 p

Other photos of Prosthiostomid sp1 :

Christophe Cadet

Reunion, Etang salé, on the rocky coast, less 1 m, 2 June 2009, size : 30 mm

The white median stripe (a) is actually the white tubular pharynx

Presence posteriorly of a pale dark grey median blotche (b)

Philibert Bidgrain

Mayotte, Mtsange m'titi, less 1 m, 20 Jully 2010, size : 30-35 mm



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