Sub order : ACOTYLEA |
Super family :
Family :
Prosthiostomidae |
Prosthiostomidae Lang, 1884
- Euryleptoidea of long, slender or elongated oval form of the body, with rounded anterior end and without any trace of tentacles and gonopores separate.
- About five genera are known and are separated on details of the reproductive structures
Prosthiostomum Quatrefages, 1845
Ethymology :
- Prosthio = forward, stomum = mouth
Ventral characteristics :
- The mouth lies in the anterior region and the extremely muscular, tubular pharynx is directed anteriorly
- They have eyes in two cerebral clusters or fan-like clusters over the head region
- The sucker is well developed and lies posteriorly
Dorsal characteristics :
- These flatworm have an elongate body with a rounded anterior and tapering posterior
- Any trace of tentacles
Publications :
Faubel, (1984) : The Polycladida, Turbellaria. Proposal and establishment of a new system. Part II. The Cotylea . Mitteilungen des hamburgischen zoologischen Museums und Instituts 80. 189–259.
Newman, L.J. & Cannon, L.R.G. (2003). Marine Flatworms: the world of Polyclads. CSIRO Publishing : Melbourne 112