This species has been observed on Reunion and Mayotte Islands
Order :
Superfamily : Plakobranchoidea
Family : Plakobranchidae
Distribution :
Indo-West Pacific
Maximal size : 20 mm
Abundance : Seldom on the fore reef zone and the rocky coast
Species characteristics : The body is dark bluish with scattered black and yellow spots
The apex of the rhinophores is bright red or orange
The margin of the parapodia is cream to yellow, but this pigment does not form a distinct band as in other members of the genus |
Showing species characteristics... |
Photo Sophie Darnis
Reunion, "Passe de l'Hermitage " at Saint Gilles, 31 December 2007, 12 m, size 10 mm
See more about : Sightening and mating periods
See more about : Thuridilla phylogeny by Gosliner 1995
See more about : Thuridilla vataae variability in Southwest Indian ocean
Remarks :
Identification confirmed by Bill Rudman
Synonymous : (according Worms)
- Elysia vataae Risbec, 1928 - Elysia vatae Risbec, 1928
Bibliographic data :
Material examined by M. L. Gosliner ( see reference/publications).
CAZIZ 087158, one specimen, dissected, 2 km south of St Gilles, Reunion, 2m depth, 27 July 1977, M. L. Gosliner
The head is the same color as the body with a y-shaped yellowish or white marking that extends onto most of the length of the rhinophores
T. vataae is quite similar in colour to T. albopustulosa but
T. vataae |
T. albopustulosa |
The ground color is a dark gray to black
The parapodia are ornamented with black and yellow spots
White pigment covers most of the length of rhinophores and only the apex is red/orange.
The tip of the rhinophores is a solid transverse band of red pigment |
The ground color is blue
The parapodia are
white or cream
The majority of the rhinophores are red/orange rather than white
The tip of the rhinophores is a transverse band with median white patches or line. |
References :
Bill Rudman Seaslug site : Sea Slug Forum : Thuridilla vatae
Nudipixel Thuridilla vataae
Publications :
Jensen, K.R. (1992). Anatomy of some Indo-Pacific Elysiidae (Opisthobranchia: Sacoglossa [=Ascoglossa]), with a discussion of the generic division and phylogeny. Mal. Soc. London, 58 : 257-96.
Gosliner, T.M. (1995) The genus Thuridilla (Opisthobranchia: Elysiidae) from the tropical Indo-Pacific, with a revision of the phylogeny and systematics of the Elysiidae. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 49(1) : 1-54.
Jensen, K.R. (2007). Biogeography of the Sacoglossa (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia). Bonner Zoologische Beiträge. 55: 255–281.
Other photos of Thuridilla vataae :
Philibert Bidgrain
Reunion, La Saline lagoon, less 1 m, 28 June 2010, size : 10-12 mm
A specimen with its spawn... |
Christophe Cadet
Reunion, La Saline lagoon, less 1 m , 30 December 2009, size : 13 mm
In this specimen the margin of the parapodia is yellow.
but this pigment does not form a distinct band as in other members of the genus |
Hugues Flodrops
Reunion, "Pool of Grande Anse", 25 December 2007, 1 m, size : 20 mm.
Crawling on algae during the night
This specimen present an important orange coloration on the rhinophore |
Philibert Bidgrain
Reunion, Trou d'eau lagoon, less 1 m, 17 June 2010, size : 10 mm
In this specimen the margin of the parapodia is cream.
but this pigment does not form a distinct band as in other members of the genus |
Maurice Jay Reunion,
The head is the same color as the body with a y-shaped yellowish or white marking that extends onto most of the length of the rhinophores |
Philibert Bidgrain
Mayotte, Mtsanga Tanaraki, less 1 m, 24 July 2010, size : 10 mm
Two specimens with their with orange spawn |
More photos from Indian Ocean
See more about : Thuridilla phylogeny by Gosliner 1995
See more about : Thuridilla vataae variability in Southwest Indian ocean
Reunion, Thuridilla vataae, at Saint Leu, by Sebastien Pomarede
Reunion, abnormal Thuridilla vataae with two tails, at Saint Gilles, by Philibert Bidgrain
Reunion, Thuridilla vataae with its orange spawn, at Saint Gilles, by Philibert Bidgrain