Mating behavior and spawn event : Asteronotus cespitosus

All the photos whose present in this page are taken in a small area of "Etang salé lagoon", on a large population in December 2006 and December 2009

Philibert Bidgrain

"Etang sale les bains" lagoon, under a rock, 3 December 2009, size : 60 and 70 mm

A classical mating behavior...

with, probably an old spawn of Asteronotus...



Philibert Bidgrain


Etang salé lagoon, under a rock, 15 December 2006, size : 55-60 mm.


The spawn consists of three whorls, is 11 cm in maximum diameter, and is speckled pink or orange in colour.

Philibert Bidgrain         Etang salé lagoon, under a rock, 29 November 2009, size : 55 mm.

The spawn consists of three whorls, is 11 cm in maximum diameter, and is speckled pink or orange in colour.

(a) The gonopore

(b) Detail of egg ribbon