This species has been observed on Madagascar Island
Order : Nudibranchia
Suborder : Euctenidiacea
Superfamily : Doridoidea
Family : Discodorididae
Distribution :
Zanzibar, Madagascar
Maximal size : 30 mm
Abundance :
Species characteristics :
The body is pale or dark pink and black as a species of Phyllidiella.The pink areas are faintly tuberculate and the longitudinal black areas low lying and smooth.
The rhinophores are black for the whole of their lengths.
The gills are located far posteriorly on the mantle and are translucent white in color. |
Showing species characteristics... |
Photo Alain-Benoît Rassat
Madagascar, Nosy bé, 15 m, September 2012, size : 30 mm |
See more about : Sightening and mating periods
Remarks :
Identification confirmed by Nathalie Yonow and identified as Paradoris sp. 7 in
(Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification. Indopacific. 2015) by Terry Gosliner & all
A similar specimen was obserded in Zanzibar (see nudipixel)
Bibliographic data :
The gills are rarely extended making them look even more a toxic Phyllidiid.
This species looks like Paradoris liturata but P. liturata mimics Phyllidiella pustulosa and Paradoris sp1 with its longitudinal black area mimics more Phyllidiella rosans…
References :
Nudipixel Paradoris sp
Other photos of Paradoris sp. 1 :
Alain-Benoît Rassat
Madagascar, Nosy bé, 15 m, September 2012, size : 30 mm
The same specimen with gills retracted (a) and extended (b)
Paradoris sp1 with its longitudinal black area mimics Phyllidiella rosans when the gills are retracted.

Alain-Benoît Rassat
Madagascar, Nosy bé, 23 Jully 2012
A specimen with gills retracted (a) |
More photos from Indian Ocean
If you have taken a photo of this species in Reunion, Mauritius, Mayotte, Seychelles or Madagascar Islands, please Contact us...