All the photos whose present in this page are taken in a small area of "La Saline lagoon", on a large population in November 2008
Eva Fontaine
"La saline" lagoon, less 1m, 8 November 2008, size : 80 to 120 mm
Eva Fontaine
"La saline" lagoon, less 1m, 8 November 2008, size : 60 to 120 mm
A important size difference between these two copulating specimens....
We make several observations of this "Protandry" behavior... |
Eva Fontaine
Etang salé lagoon, less 1 m, 9 November 2008.
A large population with mating behavior was observed during this period...
The copulatory stylet on one of these seaslugs is visible on this photo |
Philibert Bidgrain
"La saline" lagoon, less 1m, 8 November 2008, size : 80 to 120 mm
The egg mass is a pink convoluted ribbon. |
All the photos whose present here are taken in different place of Réunion Island
Philibert Bidgrain
Etang salé on the rocky coast, less 1m, 2 December 2009, size : 100mm
Five specimens and three spawns was observed on this day, on a permanent pool... |