This species has been observed on Reunion, Mayotte, Madagascar and Seychelles Islands
Order : Nudibranchia
Suborder : Dexiarchia
Superfamily : Flabellinoidea
Family :
Distribution :
Indian and Pacific Oceans, migrant into the Mediterranean
Maximal size : 42 mm
Abundance :
Species characteristics : The general body color is translucent pinkish white. Varying amounts of opaque white may be present on the sides of the body and notum
Three purple or reddish longitudinal lines extend from the head to the posterior limit of the tail. The longitudinal lines can be broken into bars.
Purple pigment may also be present on the distal third of the oral tentacles, on the apices of the foot corners, on the apices of the rhinophores and on the cerata
The cerata can be opaque white to cream or magenta and their distal third can be magenta (most often), or dark red, or there can be a magenta ring with a cream tip |
Showing species characteristics... |
Photo Sully Bachel
Réunion, Route en corniche, 7 m, 5 February 2010, size : 15 mm |
See more about : Sightening and mating periods
See more about : Coryphellina rubrolineata variability in Southwest Indian ocean
Remarks :
Identification confirmed by Hsini Lin and Nathalie Yonow
Coryphellina cf. rubrolineata and Coryphellina sp. 1 could be variant of this species...
Synonymous : (according Worms)
- Flabellina rubrolineata, (O'Donoghue, 1929)
Bibliographic data :
The coloration is variable, even within a population of a single locality...
Three purple or reddish longitudinal lines extend from the head to the posterior limit of the tail .
- One of these is middorsal and extends from the anterior border of the head to the tail.
- A lateral line runs below the notum along either side of the body
- These longitudinal lines can be broken into bars.
The rhinophores are elongate with an acute apex. The posterior surface is ornamented with approximately 100 elongate papillae.The anterior face of the rhinophores is the same color as the body. Their posterior surface, where the papillae are situated, is opaque white or yellow
The cerata are variable in length and may be short and bulbous or elongate and cylindrical. They are arranged in 5 or 6 distinct groups, each elevated from the notum
The anterior foot corners are elongate and tentacular.
The oral tentacle are thin and cylindrical in cross section, longer than the rhinophores
The notum is high and well developed and its brim undulate, widening at the level of each ceratal group
It feeds on the athecate hydroids Halocordyle disticha on Heron Island (Willan, 1999) and also a species of Eudendrium in the Philippines (Gosliner and al, 1996)
C. rubrolineata is most similar to C. exoptata, in possessing papillae on the rhinophores. But C. rubrolineata has purple tips on the rhinophores, oral tentacles and usually cerata, and usually three longitudinal purple lines on the body
References :
Bill Rudman Seaslug site : Sea Slug Forum : Flabellina rubrolineata
Nudipixel Flabellina rubrolineata
Publications :
Gosliner,T.M. & Willan,R.C. (1991) Review of the Flabellinidae (Nudibranchia: Aeolidacea) from the tropical Indo-Pacific, with the descriptions of five new species. The Veliger, 34(2) : 97-133.
Gofas, S.; Le Renard, J.; Bouchet, P. (2001). Mollusca. in: Costello, M.J. et al. (eds), European Register of Marine Species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Patrimoines Naturels. 50: 180-213.
O'Donoghue C. H. (1929 [gennaio]). Report on the Opisthobranchiata [in] Zoological Results of the Cambridge Expedition to the Suez Canal, 1924. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 22 (6) : 713-841
page(s): 789-802
Korshunova, T.; Martynov, A.; Bakken, T.; Evertsen, J.; Fletcher, K.; Mudianta, W.; Saito, H.; Lundin, K.; Schrödl, M.; Picton, B. (2017). Polyphyly of the traditional family Flabellinidae affects a major group of Nudibranchia: aeolidacean taxonomic reassessment with descriptions of several new families, genera, and species (Mollusca, Gastropoda). ZooKeys. 717: 1-139.
Other photos of Coryphellina rubrolineata :
Sully Bachel
Réunion, Cap La Houssaye, 17 m, 15 April 2012, 5-6 specimens observed...
Three purple or reddish longitudinal lines extend from the head to the posterior limit of the tail Purple pigment may also be present on the distal third of the oral tentacles( a), on the apices of the foot corners (b), on the apices of the rhinophores (c) and on the cerata (d)
This spawn was observed near a populatuion of 5-6 specimens, its looks like Leanne & David Atkinson observation
In most aeolids the eggs and sperm producing structures of the reproductive system (the gonad), consist of small spherical sac-like structures (acinus (a)) which sit in the body cavity above the viscera. These acini have the same yellow/orange coloration than the spawn... |
Mayotte, "Passe Sada", 13;5 m, 2 November 2003, size : 8-10 mm
The general body color is translucent pinkish white. Considerable amount of opaque white may be present on the sides of the body and notum |

Norbert Verneau
Mayotte, Petite Terre, 3 m, 18 September 2010, size : 20 mm.
A small poulation observed. In this specimen the mid-dorsal line is reduced (a) and the lateral line form a dotted line (b)
But the posterior face of the rhinophores are papillated and it possess all the other caracteristic of this species... |
Norbert Verneau
Mayotte, Dzaoudzi (quai des Douanes), 1 m, 14 September 2012, size ; 25 mm
In this specimen the mid-dorsal line is reduced and the lateral line form a dotted line
But absence of orange coloration on the rhinophores... |
Sully Bachel
Reunion, Le Barachois", 20 December 2010.
5 specimens with 3 whites spawns...
May be another coloration for the spawn...
These spawns have the same white coloration than the acinus (a) present in some specimens... |

Alain-Benoît Rassat
Madagascar, Nosy bé, 18 December 2015 |
More photos from Indian Ocean
See more about : Coryphellina rubrolineata variability in Southwest Indian ocean
Reunion, Coryphellina rubrolineata with purple lines, at Saint Paul, by Sully Bachel
Mayotte, rhinophore detail of Coryphellina rubrolineata, at Petite terre, by Matthias Deuss
Mayotte, two C. rubrolineata without orange coloration, at Passe en S, by Freddy Fuentes and Nathalie Geffriaud
Madagascar, Coryphellina rubrolineata without orange coloration, at Nosy Bé, by Alain-Benoît Rassat
Seychelles, Coryphellina rubrolineata, at Mahé, by Christophe Mason-Parker