This species has been observed on Reunion Island
Order :
Superfamily : Plakobranchoidea
Family : Plakobranchidae
Distribution : Reunion and South Africa
Maximal size : 18 mm
Abundance : Seldom if ever on the rocky coast
Species characteristics : A mottled green body with light green papillae and large yelow spots with smaller black ones
The pattern of the inner side of the parapodia is very caracteristic.
It consists of broad green oblique bands arranged symmetrically on either side of a wide median light green strip and yellow dots over the entire surface.
Showing species characteristics... |
Photo Christophe Cadet
Reunion, Etang salé, on the rocky coast, less 1 m, 6 October 2010, size : 11 mm
See more about : Sightening and mating periods
Remarks :
Identification confirmed by Kathe Jensen
According Kathe Jensen :"The species with the yellow dots I am pretty sure is undescribed. I have seen pictures before, but I don't think it has a scientific name"
Bibliographic data :
Found in South Africa in 1 m of water where it feeds on the green algae Caulerpa racemosa
References : Publications :
Elysia sp 3 in : Gosliner,T.M.; Behrens,D.W.; Valdés,A (2008) Indo-pacific nudibranchs and seaslugs A field guide to the World's most diverse fauna
Other photos of Elysia sp. 5 :
Christophe Cadet
Reunion, Etang salé, on the rocky coast, less 1 m, 6 October 2010, size : 11 mm
The pericardium (a)
A mottled green body with light green papillae (b) and large yelow spots with smaller black ones |
Christophe Cadet
Reunion, Etang salé, on the rocky coast, less 1 m, 16 November 2011, size : 13 mm
During the night... |
More photos from Indian Ocean
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