This species has been observed on Reunion and Mayotte Islands
Order : Nudibranchia
Suborder : Dexiarchia
Superfamily : Fionoidea
Family : Fionidae
Distribution :
Indo-West Pacific
Maximal size : 35mm
Abundance : (Run) Seldom if ever... (May) Seldom on the fore reef zone
Species characteristics : The general body colouration is pale lilac purple to pink
The cerata are similar in colour to the body except for a bright golden yellow tip and a band just below the yellow tip which ranges from deep reddish purple to deep purple The oral tentacles and the upper half of the slender smooth rhinophores are a purple to reddish purple. |
Showing species characteristics... |
Photo C Tasset et Y Laurelut
Passe en S, Mayotte, 10 m, 10 December 2007, size : 35 mm |
See more about : Sightening and mating periods
Remarks :
Identification confirmed by Bill Rudman
Synonymous (according worms) :
- Hervia sibogae Bergh, 1905 - Trinchesia sibogae (Bergh, 1905)
Bibliographic data :
In Cuthona sibogae like other Cuthona, cnidosac are present at the apex of the cerata.
A moderately large aeolid nudibranch in which the cerata are arranged in about eight fan-like clusters on each side of the body. The cerata are cylindrical, tapering at the tip to a rounded point
many of the smaller outer cerata in each row are golden yellow with no purplish basal region
The anterior foot corners are enlarged into short blunt tentacles
Juvenile appears more pink than purple
It is usually found associated with its food, an orange thecate hydroid, Sertularella quadridens
It could be mistaken for Flabellina rubrolineata, but that has papillose rhinophores and three magenta strpes along the body
References :
Bill Rudman Seaslug site : Sea Slug Forum : Cuthona sibogae
Nudipixel Trinchesia sibogae
Publications :
Bergh, L.S.R. (1905). Die Opisthobranchiata. Siboga Expeditie Report, 50 : 248pp., Pls 1-20.
Marshall, J.G. & Willan, R.C. (1999). Nudibranchs of Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. A survey of the Opisthobranchia (Sea Slugs) of Heron and Wistari Reefs . Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 1-257, figs 1-280
Other photos of Cuthona sibogae :
Hugues and Sandrine Flodrops
"Boulevard des platax", Passe en S, Mayotte, 19 m, 2 March 2009, size : 25 mm
Strange detail on the cerata surface of this specimen... 
Sully Bachel
Reunion, Ravine à Jacques, 6 m, 15 December 2009, size : 25-35 mm
Several specimens was observed on the same rock...
It is usually found associated with its food, an orange thecate hydroid, Sertularella quadridens |
Emmanuel Eby Mayotte, 20 January 2008.
Crawling on its food ?
Cédric Péneau
Reunion, Cap La houssaye, 16 m, 22 May 2010 , size : 15 mm
The cerata tips have a strange pale yellow coloration in this specimen |
More photos from Indian Ocean
Mayotte, Cuthona sibogae on it food, at Passe en S, by Freddy Fuentes and Nathalie Geffriaud