This species has been observed on Reunion and Mauritius Islands
Order : Polycladida
Suborder : Acotylea
Superfamily : Stylochoidea
Family : Planoceridae
Distribution : Reunion, Mauritius and...
Maximal size : 70 mm
Abundance :
Species characteristics :
Body almost circular with a highly crenulated margin, translucent, light brown to darker brown, with white and brown irregular spots and dots.
Conspicuous head tentacles, striped brown and cream, ringed by numerous eyes at their base.
Margin sometimes with darker brown coloration |
Showing species characteristics... |
Photo Christophe Cadet
Reunion, Etang salé lagon, less 1 m, 9 October 2009, size : 30 mm
See more about : Paraplanocera cf oligoglena variability in Southwest Indian ocean
Remarks :
This species looks like Paraplanocera oligoglena but there is an obvious difference :
- Marginal band sometimes darker brown in P. cf oligoglena, and
white interrupted with brown in P. oligoglena
So for the moment, I called these kind of specimens Paraplanocera cf oligoglena
Bibliographic data :
Pharynx situated medially, large, ruffled
Cerebral eyes in distinct clusters.
Head tentacles ringed by numerous eyes at their base, eyes also at tips of tentacles
Habitat :
Found inshore, under rocks
Ethymology : oligo = few, glena = eyes
References :
Discover life : Paraplanocera oligoglena
Marine flatworms of the world : Paraplanocera oligoglena
Publications :
Faubel, A. (1983). The Polycladida, Turbellaria. Proposal and establishment of a new system. Part I. The Acotylea . Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen zoologischen Museum und Institut 80: 17–121
Meyer, F. (1922). Polycladen von Koseir (Rotes Meer.) (Kollektion Professor Klunzinger). Archiv für Naturgeschichte Abt. A. 87, Heft 10: 138–158
Newman, L.J. & Cannon, L.R.G. (2003). Marine Flatworms: the world of Polyclads. CSIRO Publishing : Melbourne 112
Poulter, J.L. (1987). Phylum Platyhelminthes. Chapter 1, Section 2 & 3. pp. 13–58 in Devaney, D.M. & Eldredge, L.C. (eds) Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii . Bishop Museum Press : Hawaii
Schmarda, L.K. (1859). Neue wirbellosen Thiere beobachtet und gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde 1853 bis 1857. Bd. I. Turbellarien, Rotatorien und Anneliden. 1. Hälfte. W. Engelmann : Leipzig
Other photos of Paraplanocera cf oligoglena :
Philippe Bourjon
Reunion, L'Hermitage lagoon, less 1 m, 20 November 2010, size : 60 mm
3 specimens under a rock and their probably spawn (a)
Conspicuous head tentacles, striped brown and cream, ringed by numerous eyes (b) at their base. 
Hugues Flodrops
Reunion, Etang salé on the rocky coast, during the night, 28 November 2007, size : 50 mm
May be eating a small
seashell (a)
It wraps its body around the seashell pushes out its pharynx and begins a leisurely and uninterrupted feast. |
Philibert Bidgrain
Reunion, Trou d'eau lagoon, less 1 m, 27 September 2010, size : 8 mm
Highly crenulated margin, with darker brown (a) coloration
In the female reproductive system, eggs pass down oviducts from the ovaries to the female gonopore for deposit to the outside world.
Many eggs are observed in oviducts (b) of this sexual mature specimen.
Philippe Bourjon
Reunion, La Saline lagoon, less 1 m, 7 November 2010, size : 20 mm
Pharynx (a) situated medially
The gut (b) which in polyclads consist of many tubes each extending away to the edges of the body often repeatedly dividing forming a pattern like the branches of a tree.
Philippe Bourjon Reunion, La Saline lagoon, less 1 m, 7 November 2010, size : 20 mm
A very transparent specimen, the coloration of the substrate is visible through the body...
The gut (a) which in polyclads forming a pattern like the branches of a tree. |
More photos from Indian Ocean
See more about : Paraplanocera cf oligoglena variability in Southwest Indian ocean
Mauritius, ventral and dorsal side of Paraplanocera cf oligoglena, by Hilary Jones
Reunion, transparent Paraplanocera cf oligoglena, at La Saline, by Philippe Bourjon