This species has been observed on Mayotte and Madagascar Islands
Order : Polycladida
Suborder : Cotylea
Superfamily : Euryleptoidea
Family : Euryleptidae
Distribution : West Pacific and Mayotte.
Maximal size : 45 mm
Abundance :
Species characteristics :
Background body colour cream-white to grey-green with numerous fine tansverse lines radiating out from around the medial area, some lines form dark blotches medially
Medially area with faint orange spots
Margin with smaller broken lines
Showing species characteristics... |
Photo Yvon Gildas
Mayotte, 23 August 2008
Bibliographic data :
The marginal tentacles are long and held erect, but are not pointed
Ventral surface with the same pattern without orange spots.
Habitat : Found under rubble on the reef crest
Ethymology :
eschara = scar for the pattern of lines and blotches
This species is similar to Maritigrella virgulata but there are some differences.
- M. eschara has
fine tansverse lines rather than
tranverse unequal stripes in M. virgulata.
- Margin with smaller broken lines in M. eschara and
with black stripes that may branche at the rim
in M. virgulata
References :
Discover life : Maritigrella eschara
Nudipixel : Maritigrella eschara
Publications :
Newman, L.J. & Cannon, L.R.G. (2000). A new genus of euryleptid flatworm (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida, Euryleptidae) from the Indo-Pacific. Journal of Natural History 34: 191–205
Newman, L.J. & Cannon, L.R.G. (2003). Marine Flatworms: the world of Polyclads. CSIRO Publishing : Melbourne 112 p
Other photos of Maritigrella eschara :
Yvon Gildas
Mayotte, 31 October 2009
The marginal tentacles (a) are long and held erect, but are not pointed
Alain-Benoît Rassat Madagascar, Nosy bé, Rascre, 18 m, 24 May 2013, size : 30 mm
Medially area with faint orange spots
Margin with smaller broken lines |
More photos from Indian Ocean