Acanthozoon / Thysanozoon sp 2

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This species has been observed on Reunion and Madagascar Islands

Order : Polycladida
Suborder : Cotylea
Superfamily : Pseudocerotoidea
Family : Pseudocerotidae
Distribution : Reunion, Madagascar and...
Maximal size :
Abundance :

Species characteristics :

Background body colour dark grey greenish

Dorsal papillae elongate with black tips

The pseudotentacles are black

acanthozoon thysanozoon sp2
Showing species characteristics...

Photo Philippe Cao Van
Reunion, 20 January 2006

Remarks :

The exact genus can only be determined by checking how many male pores there are on the ventral side, one in Acanthozoon and two in Thysanozoon.
   Newman (2003). Looks like one of the undescribed species Acanthozoon / Thysanozoon sp3, but in this species, white dots form irregular clusters on the rim and the background colour is more dark red to orange than dark grey greenish.

Bibliographic data :

Rim without white dots forming irregular clusters in this specimen.
   This species looks like Acanthozoon / Thysanozoon sp1 but in Acanthozoon / Thysanozoon sp1 the body is mottled cream and brown with scattered white dots and rounded papillae

References :

Publications :

Newman, L.J. & Cannon, L.R.G. (2003). Marine Flatworms: the world of Polyclads. CSIRO Publishing : Melbourne 112 p

Other photos of Acanthozoon / Thysanozoon sp2:

Alain-Benoît Rassat

Madagascar, Nosy Bé, Olaf, 8 m, 20 November 2012, size : 60 mm



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